neděle 30. srpna 2020

Working With Hemp Canvas


Two weeks ago I visited my favourite fabric shop, Sartor. I wanted only a meter or two of linen. As usual, I went home with a bag full of meters and meters of diverse linens and also natural hemp canvas. A beautiful, heavy weight fabric, great for making bags and musettes.

Unfortunately, I could buy only the rest of the fabric bolt (about 2, 4 m), it was right enough for 2 musettes and tree big shopping bags.

The material forms a great combination with prints by Cori Dantini.  


The two musettes are finished by now. 

There is the end of August and in the Czech Republic the school begins next week (hopefully). 

The girls of my dear colleague Jana are going to school again, so it´s the right time for a new bag pack:)


The totes are not finished yet, but the applique is ready (not on the foto yet). The finishing is my mission for the next week.


Happy stitching!




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