neděle 26. března 2023

Slow Stitched Needle Cases

A true reader of my blog knows that I like working with wool felt. I like touching the natural wool felt and I also like the TrueFelt and colours which offers TrueColours. The A4 sheets are just perfect for small hand stitched projects like my favourite needle cases for example.

Some time ago I was searching something and found two beautiful cats pictures printed on fabric. I bought those years ago from the author Zuzana Honsová.

I had to use them immediately. I spent a happy evening combining materials and threads.

My plan was machine sewing, I used a machine-sewn blanket stitch around the pictures. But then I decided for hand stitching and spent some following evenings stitching and embroidering the collages.


And here is how they look inside:

Happy stitching!


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